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College of Humanities & 社会科学

The College of Humanities & 社会科学 is home to a variety of undergraduate degree programs, 包括英语, 刑事司法, 和心理学. The College also offers several graduate degrees, 包括都市固体废物, which is housed in our School of Social Work. Many of the College's courses are part of the university's Core Curriculum and are designed to build critical thinking, speaking and writing skills. Our faculty members are 有创意的 and research-oriented, focused on encouraging students to become lifelong learners and leaders in a diverse and ever-changing world.

Academic 部门 and Programs

Studying the Humanities at BSU


The mission of the College of Humanities and 社会科学 is to promote and support excellence in teaching, 奖学金, and 有创意的 expression grounded in the liberal arts. Dedicated faculty provide inspiring, rigorous learning environments and the means for students to think and solve problems innovatively, 批判性的, and collaboratively; to write and speak effectively; to collect, 分析, and correctly apply qualitative and quantitative data in order to address problems; and to engage with the complexity of the human condition through encounters with diverse critical, 有创意的, 艺术, 历史, 文化, and global perspectives.


  • Council on Social Work Education
  • National Association of Schools of 音乐
  • National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration

A Message from the Dean

Welcome to the College of Humanities and 社会科学 at 布里奇沃特 State University, where we study what it is to be human, 要有创造力, and to function in groups and as individuals.

The humanities disciplines encompass everything from music to philosophy to languages, while the social sciences include political science, 经济学, 人类学, 还有更多. The research and 有创意的 activity undertaken by the College's faculty ranges from cognitive neuropsychology to metal sculpture to literary criticism, among many other specialties.

Our faculty members work closely with our students and care deeply about their success. The College prides itself on the extensive amount of undergraduate research its students undertake in conjunction with faculty mentors.

The College is the home of sixteen academic departments, even more academic majors, and most of the Core Curriculum, which makes up the liberal arts heart of a 布里奇沃特 State University education. Here you will find dedicated teaching, 创新研究, and close connections between faculty and students. Begin your exploration here.

BSU is committed to hiring and supporting diverse faculty. One way we are working toward this goal is through a National Science Foundation grant supported alliance with Framingham State University and Worcester State University to develop, 实现, and institutionalize an equity-minded model for advancing early career STEM faculty who are members of AGEP populations: African Americans, 西班牙裔美国人, 美国印第安人, 阿拉斯加原住民, 夏威夷原住民, and Native Pacific Islanders. Learn more about the MUS AGEP alliance »

National Science Foundation Logo


This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants: 2149849, 2149858, 2149883. 的观点, 发现, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.



Dr. Arnaa爱尔康院长

Dr. 问麦克林托克迈克尔副院长


Ms. 阿巴拉德, Staff Assistant to the Dean

Ms. 凯萨琳Sandstrum, Administrative Assistant

传真: 508.531.6131

College of Humanities & 社会科学

布里奇沃特 State University
麦克斯韦尔库, Rooms 100 & 101
布里奇沃特, MA 02325

Monday - Friday, 8:15am - 5:00pm